Trame (texture). Inter-disciplinari dialogues about costume design
Thanks to the collaboration with Daniela Ciancio costume designer member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, winner of various awards (including 2 David di Donatello) and author of movie costumes such as “Il resto di niente”, “Mars” and “La grande bellezza “, the participation of Johanna Bronner costume designer who has collaborated on films such as “Nine” and “Marie Antoinette”, and the collaboration of the Film Commission Campania Region Foundation, in February SuperOtium will host two talks on costume design and cinema. On February 17th and 24th it will be possible to participate to “Trame (texture). Interdisciplinary dialogues about costume design” With the participation of experts from cinema, art, design and fashion, such as Gianni Canova, Gabi Scardi, Paolo Ferrarini, Caterina D’Amico and Marco Petroni, who will compete in an informal dialogue on the relationship and influence between these worlds around the idea of dress and costume.