SoapOpera – Nuvola Ravera in residence

on February the 16th, in the framework of the new exhibition SoapOpera by the artist Nuvola Ravera, realized in collaboration with the architect Giuseppe Ricupero and curated by Chiara Pirozzi, we will have the pleasure to welcome Nuvola, Giuseppe and Chiara for a chat. This gathering that will allow us to go deepen in to the relationship between the artist and Naples and to explore the work done after the time spent in residence at SuperOtium. The exhibition that will open on February 15th is a site-specific project created for and in the new Lab.Oratorio space that the Made in Cloister Foundation (project commissioner) devotes to the research, experimentation and exhibition of the young contemporary art scene. The exhibition is realized thanks to the support of Mibac and @siae as part of the “Sillumina – copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura” initiative.