
From the 25th to 30th of June for a first visit, we will have in residence two of the realities that take care of the project Camouflage: Visual Container and Ex-Voto. They will be at SuperOtium to develop the Neapolitan episode of the project for the coming winter, to which we will collaborate in its realization.
The residence will also be the occasion to exhibit the project on June the 26th at the Riot Studio with a selection of videos that have been part of the project and two special guests.
Camouflage starts from the very definition of the term (1 Hide the true appearance of someone with a disguise; 2 fig. Make something appear different from what it really is) to enhance the research of the performative dimension of producing images in the process of making the video.
Born in 2014 in Vegapunk and curated by the three artists Marisol Malatesta, Simona Da Pozzo and Alessandra Arnò, the project is the result of collaboration between Ex-Voto (Association for Radical Public Culture), VisualcontainerTV International Videoart WebTV, #Tilde, Arts University Bournemouth , Viafarini and NON Riservato.